The One, Botox and soto soup

“Carrie, you’re the One..” Now all you girls know what I’m talking about right? Yeah, been watching episodes of Sex and the City a lot lately. I think every woman should watch this after a bad break up. Now the Post It episode brought a smile to my face, see, it can get worse than an email. But just now I came to the end of season 6, where of course everything works out fine in the end and Mr. Big is coming over to Paris to get his girl. Not good, I’m jealous. Might be a better idea to skip to the movie, where the bastard is leaving her at the altar. Stupid woman still takes him back after that. I would do it too I guess.

So what else for me on this sunny Saturday? About to do some groceries on the market, wearing my sunglasses of course, cause well, we used to go together. Then plucking the chicken I cooked last night. Making soto for dinner. Indonesian chicken soup, very spicy. Maybe some yoga, and I desperately need to do my face cause I look like hell. Crying makes you ugly, I sure found that out. Maybe I should ask the ex for some Botox.

So some home-made scrub and face masks are on the menu. Need to do my brows as well but last time I did that, after the first break up, I plucked and plucked and felt all this anger coming up, resulting in almost no brows left. Not a good idea. Oh and if anyone has some tips on how to cut your own hair? Cause I look like a hippy, all grown out and ratty.

Off to do some shopping now, enjoy your weekend.

2 thoughts on “The One, Botox and soto soup

  1. sweetie, you are much too hot to be letting dumb-dumb bring you down like that. go out tonight. find a poor sucker and make him buy you drinks and when the night is over. dancing, drinking, bad jokes, great music… tell him thank you for the fun and go home to your kitties, and in that process reclaim yourself as a human being and show him that he is not going to make you sit at home like some wallowing baby that he thinks you are. hell, become a cougar, but leave out the sex, unless you find one that float your boat the right way and that you are pretty sure is not a sick-o. be safe about it, and kick him to the curb. en-power yourself and move forward, and leave that sucker in the dust. Make him feel like the dog-crap that he really is, by letting him hear about you having fun and not crying over him anymore… take away his power over you and enjoy yourself. he will hear about it. he will be like – dammit. i messed up. and you will be over him and happier. maybe in the process you will find Mr. Right and move forward towards your goals, or maybe just have a blast until you do find him. but kick that M-F’er behind and bring a cute smile to your face. I love that smile. I would like to see more of it. 😉 love ya hun

    • Aaaaw sweetie, now you made me cry, again lol 🙂 Was too tired to go out last night so went to bed at 10. Am tired all the time lately. All this shit is draining my energy. And you know I’m old anyway lol 🙂

      But you’re right, I shouldn’t keep thinking about him and sit and cry all day. There’s no point in that. It’s just, I don’t know, it’s all so hard. This doesn’t even feel like a break up, more of an existential crisis. Or midlife crisis 😉 Maybe I should start playing Evony again so we can talk some more.

      Hope all is well over there hun, talk soon x

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